As a dynamic cultural network, the ETC offers a wide array of benefits for its Member Theatres:
Artistic Collaborations
- Find new partners and nurture relationships
- Share opportunities to experiment with new technologies and forms of storytelling
- Respond to social change with large-scale and interdisciplinary projects
Networking and Dialogue
- Forge connections within the artistic community
- Take part in exclusive and frequent meetings with cultural leaders
- Get informed and speak up: the ETC promotes its members worldwide
Mobility and Professional Development
- Improve your team’s intercultural, linguistic and artistic skills
- Participate in international co-productions
- Gain hands-on experience working with digital tools
Representation and Advocacy
- Be heard: The ETC represents your voice to political leaders at a European level
- Be seen: The ETC promotes theatre and increases its visibility at a European and international level
- Be represented in other cultural partnerships with European networks such as PEARLE* and Culture Action Europe
ETC Join Us 2025
DownloadMember Feedback
"Uncomplicated, personal and down to earth."
"Very active and productive. It is not a 'travel agency' as with some other organisations, but always comes with very interesting projects...I like the variety (green theatre, PR activities, playwriting"
"Powerful channel of communication and relationship between representatives of theatres."
"It is accessible to various kinds of theatres and therefore it is possible to find partners."
"Having an international background and support helps to deal with politicians and local authorities - common activities towards EU."
Anonymous reflections from our member theatres about what they value from ETC membership, made during evaluation sesssions in January and February 2021.
Types of Membership
Full membership: A full member is a publicly funded producing theatre or a theatre festival. The cost of annual membership is €5,700.
Associate membership: An associate member is an independent theatre or a cultural organisation. The cost of annual membership is €2,700.
How to Become a Member?
1. Get in touch with us and ask us any questions you might have. Interested theatres are invited to join our International Theatre Conferences to meet our members and future cooperation partners.
2. Fill in the application form and send it back to us. You will join us at the next session of the General Assembly, where your application will be voted on. General Assembly sessions take place twice a year.
3. Enjoy the new collaborations, projects and all the benefits of being an ETC member.
©Annemone Taake
Heidi Wiley
ETC Executive Director
+49 30 284 41 461