The project Drama of smaller European languages (DoSEL) will make a substantial contribution to safeguarding the cultural and linguistic diversity In the European cultural space, specifically in the drama and theatre sector, by improving the conditions for transnational creation, translation and performance of European drama, written in smaller European languages.
This initiative, with ETC Member Prešeren Theatre Kranj at the helm, aims to increase the international recognition and accessibility of dramatic works originally written in smaller European languages and to encourage their more frequent staging.
The European Theatre Convention is honoured to support the DoSEL project which will be implemented through collaboration with esteemed European cultural organisations: the National Agency for the Performing Arts from Malta, the Arriaga Antzokia Theatre and Sala Beckett from Spain, the Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb, the Estonian Theatre Agency, the National Theatre of Kosovo, the Ivan Vazov National Theatre from Bulgaria, and the Prešeren Theatre Kranj.
Project activities will include translation of plays at translation workshops and artistic residencies, showcasing performances in smaller European languages at two theatre platforms (as part of the international programme of the 55th Week of Slovenian Drama in March 2025 in Kranj, with presentations at the Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb, followed by the International Theatre Platform in Valletta, Malta, in April 2026), training and experimental research on contemporary European drama, as well as presentations of plays and playwrights at various international meetings and festivals. More than 200 playwrights, translators, and other artists and cultural workers will participate in the project.
DoSEL is funded by the European Union.
Cover photo: (c) Masa Pirc