'Mammoth' is a comedy about the absurdities of modern times, about simpletons - aggressive, powerful, rich, prosperous and predatory, lurking everywhere. And we let it meekly and in slippers enter our home. We subtly give way to it, thinking that if we have nothing to do with it, it will have nothing to do with us. Turns out that's not the case…
Based on a play by Stanislav Stratiev, 'Mammoth' premiered on the stage of Theatre and Music Centre Kardjali on 8 and 27 June.
Stanislav Stratiev is the most-played contemporary Bulgarian playwright in the world. His plays have been staged in 1,300 productions in 45 countries. The exceptional satire, the absurdity, the irony, and the skillfully constructed psychology of his characters won him many admirers. In his plays, there is always some kind of paradox at stake, in which the processes and problems of both the whole country and the individual are examined.
Theatre and Music Centre Kardjali
Project of TMC - Kardzhali and THEATER MENON Foundation, realised with the financial support of NF "Culture" under the Debuts Program!