Panel Discussion: Reopening European Theatres

ETC International Theatre Conference

11 June 2020

ETC will host its upcoming ETC International Theatre Conference online from 10 to 12 June 2020. What world can we expect after the coronavirus crisis? How can theatres shape the best possible future for their houses? While it is impossible to know exactly how the post-coronavirus world will be for theatres, the upcoming ETC International Theatre Conference will aim at giving European theatres the tools to be able to respond to the situation. 

Schedule – 11 June 2020

10:00 CET

Welcome & Introduction
with Serge Rangoni & Heidi Wiley 
Opening Message by Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth


10:15 CET

Artistic Intervention: Nobody Waits for You by Lot Vekemans
Staged reading: excerpt of a mobile production of Schauspielhaus Graz
Actress: Susanne Konstanze Weber, Director: Jochen Strauch, Dramaturgy: Karla Mäder


10:25 CET

"Do the Arts Have a Lobby in Europe?"
Interview with Veronica Kaup-Hasler, Executive City Councillor for Cultural Affairs and Science of Vienna moderated by Marina Maleni, Cyprus Theatre Organisation


10:45 - 12:00 CET

Panel Discussion: Reopening European Theatres
with Iris Laufenberg, Schauspielhaus Graz (Austria), Dubravka Vrgoč, Croatian National Theatre Zagreb (Croatia), Norbert Rakowski, JK Opole Theatre (Poland), moderated by Marko Bratuš, Slovensko Narodno Gledalisce Nova Gorica (Slovenia)

Livestream for Non-Members

Thanks to our partnership with Howlround Theatre Commons, the panel discussion “Reopening European Theatres” will exceptionally be made available as a livestream for the public!

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About the Artistic Intervention

The play by the Dutch author Lot Vekemans Niemand wartet auf dich [Nobody is Waiting] will be performed in autumn by the Schauspielhaus Graz as a mobile production for town halls and community halls in Styria in Austria, directed by Jochen Strauch. It will be performed in places where politics is made and where our democracy is practised. The central role in the play, which comprises three monologues, is a politician who reflects on the existence of women politicians in a changing world. The play calls on us to use our scope as political subjects, not to wait and see, but to get going. It is a contribution to political education, to raising awareness and an occasion to enter into conversation with politicians.
As an impulse to ETC's panel discussion, an excerpt from the play is stage read.

About Howlround Theatre Commons

HowlRound is a free and open platform for theatremakers worldwide that amplifies progressive, disruptive ideas about the art form and facilitates connection between diverse practitioners. Howlround is interested in connecting with theatre and cultural organisations that are interested in conversations about social change, progressive politics, and aesthetics. Also, Howlround is interested in helping organisations experiment with livestreaming performance.


About the ETC International Theatre Conference



The ETC International Theatre Conference are held twice a year at an ETC Member Theatre. These high-level events are an occasion for ETC Members and selected guests to explore new trends in European theatre and an excellent forum for information, exchange, debate and networking.

The conferences are exclusive to ETC Member Theatres and invited guests. Nevertheless, the upcoming conference will livestream its panel talk for everyone to watch on 11 June 2020, 10:00 CET.



ETC International Theatre Conference - Det Norske Teatret 2018 ©Ylva Fy

ETC International Theatre Conferences

Next Conference in partnership with National Theatre of Greece, 03 - 07 April 2025

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