"Jungesnetzwerk" is an online theatre project for everyone between the age of 14 and 18.
Attendees have met in a digital space since Janunary and will continue to meet until July 2021, to explore sounds, design, dancing and video. Even if we are all in different locations. we create something together.
One part of the show is this website: www.jungesnetzwerk-bs.de which gives an impression of the process.
The second part is the "Actionbound" walk in public space from 16th to 18th of July, taking place in Braunschweig. People who come will go on a walk through the city and get in contact with a smart organization of the future. Feel free to join as userx347d.
"Jungesnetzwerk" is a project by JUNGES! Staatstheater Braunschweig, in cooperation with Verein für Braunschweiger Verkehrsfreunde e.V., Grins e.V. and Nibelungen Realschule Braunschweig. It is funded by Wege ins Theater and ETC Digital Theatre Grants.
- Online Workshops by: Clemens K. Thomas, Johanna Schadtke, Lena-Anna Klampfl, Juri Jaworksy, Rike Hoppe and Felix z. Perels
- Stage and Costume: Julia Burkhardt
- Assistence: Rosa Berfin Kuskaya
- Project Coorination and Theatre Pedagogy: Rike Breier