Update: January 2022
A documentary about the show 'Children of the World' - and the impact of the Covid19 pandemic in Bulgaria - has been made available for international audiences using funding through the ETC Digital Theatre Grant programme.
Premiere mid September 2021
Theatre and Music Centre Kardjali (Kardzhali / Bulgaria) theatre company have started rehearsals for Children of the World, a new play from acclaimed Bulgarian artist Stefan Tsanev.

In the middle of nowhere, a retired old couple decide to open a roadside diner to financially support their children’s desire to study abroad. But the customers do not come, time ticks by and their children do not return home.
The play takes an absurdist turn as the couple wait for their own ‘Godot’ to come, navigating an online world of Skyp to try and stay connected. A tragic comedy about loneliness and what their society did (or did not) do to drive the young people away.
Directed by Denislav Yanev, the cast include Anna Petrova, Lubomir Furkov, Adriana Kuncheva (all were nominated for awards at the “Golden Kukerikon”, the national theatre awards for humour and satire presented by The Satirical Theater).

Following a Digital Theatre Grant from ETC, this play will premiere on the main stage of the Theatre and Music Centre with a version being made available online (complete with rehearsal footage, cast interviews and audience feedback).
Working in this integrated way, the company will demonstrate the advantages of modern technologies for theatres, especially during the COVID- 19 pandemic whilst also expressing their faith in live performance; essential for the theatres of today and the future.
Find out more about the production here.
(Bulgarian with English translation available on the website).
Project Leader: Galab Bochukov
Director: Denislav Yanev
Digital Version: Denislav Yanev, Roumi Nikolaeva – Tonev
Scenography and costumes: Nikolai Ninov
Composer: Nikolai Vladimirov
Cast: Anna Petrova, Lubomir Furkov, Adriana Kuncheva