Anatomy of a Suicide

Théâtre Nanterre-Amandiers – Centre dramatique national

20 March – 19 April 2025

We are pleased to announce the upcoming production by Christophe Rauck, director of the Nanterre- Amandiers Theatre: Anatomy of a Suicide by British playwright Alice Birch

“My mother always said to Live Big.
Live as much as I could.”

Alice Birch, Anatomy of a Suicide

Can one escape the fate of their family? How does one survive the inner turmoil caused by a mother’s suicide? Must the past be erased to move forward?

Three women—a mother, her daughter, and her granddaughter—share their stories across three different time periods, from the 1970s to the 2040s. Yet, their narratives unfold simultaneously on stage, intertwining and echoing one another with striking intensity.

With a gripping structure where ten actors portray twenty-seven characters across a fragmented time and space, Birch questions the weight of familial inheritance—how does one break the cycle of suffering? Her sharp writing, laced with dark humor, unfolds like a musical score, precise and rhythmic, ultimately transforming into a poignant ode to life.

From 20 March – 19 April 2025, performances with English surtitles (smart glasses) : 

  • Thursday 27 March at 8 pm
  • Sunday 6 April at 3 pm
  • Sunday 13 April at 3 pm
  • Saturday 19 April at 6 pm

Running Time: 2h (TBC)
Performance in French
Nanterre-Amandiers Theatre, 7 Avenue Pablo Picasso, Nanterre, France

Text Alice Birch
Direction Christophe Rauck

Audrey Bonnet
Eric Challier
David Clavel
Servane Ducorps
Noémie Gantier
David Houri
Sarah Karabasnikoff
Lilea Le Borgne
Mounir Margoum
Julie Pilod

Translation (French) Séverine Magois
Dramaturge Marianne Ségol–Samoy
Set Designer Alain Lagarde
Music Sylvain Jacques
Lighting Designer Olivier Oudiou
Costume Designer Coralie Sanvoisin
Make-Up and Wigs Cécile Kretschmar
Video Arnaud Pottier

Photo: © Géraldine Aresteanu

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