Volkstheater Wien – which is currently under construction – will open its doors in January 2021 under the artistic direction of Kay Voges. The season will start with a diverse spectrum of protagonists and activists, creating a scenery of interdisciplinary art forms. The main emphasis of our programme is going to be the human existence within a digital modern world. The main productions will be framed by additional events like international talks about contemporary concepts nature and technology as well as visual arts and curated musical programmes – including concerts, parties, installations and guest performances. Next to our main stage, smaller experimental performances will take place in a smaller studio-stage called “Dunkelkammer”, and queer and pop-discursive events in a theatre bar named “Rote Bar”. Moreover, Volkstheater Wien has a long tradition of touring the nineteen districts of Vienna, which we will continue with a documentary interpretation of the concept of “Bürger*innenbühne” (citizens’ stage).
Volkstheater Wien opened in 1889 as a "civic counterpart" to the present-day Burgtheater. Today it has 830 seats and is one of the largest theatres in the German-speaking countries.