“I'm a mother. I have a daughter called Matilde, who was born in 2020, at a time when the world seemed to be in more than enough disarray to deal with a pandemic. And here we are. Me, Matilde and the world… and all the Matildes in the world.”
Starting from an autobiographical element that is the experience of motherhood, Cátia Pinheiro creates a show whose motto is the writing of a letter to her daughter.
A letter in a performative format that results from several collaborations that all start from the same premise: writing a letter about the world we would like this little being to inhabit.
Between fear, guilt and unmeasured joy, 'Carta à Matilde' comes from a very intimate place to launch into the world a letter-show that focuses on this relentless relationship that is raising a child and bringing her to a place that has so many strange and scary as well as incredible and wonderful things.
'Carta à Matilde', by Cátia Pinheiro / Estrutura, which played at São Luiz in September, can now be seen for free, until the end of 2023, on the Prospero – Extended Theatre platform.