On the Italian theatrical scene, Fondazione Teatro Due in Parma constitutes a unique state of affairs due to a series of factors, from its geographical location, to its individual historical and artistic path, and its links with Europe. This long and winding road has lasted for more than thirty years: the group of artists which formed the basis of the original company (known as the Compagnia del Collettivo than as Teatro Stabile di Parma) came out of the experience of Sixties University Festivals and Centres, in a period when these were a real creative breeding ground, a place for meetings and the development of well-known personalities of European theatre such as Jerzy Grotowskij, Tadeusz Kantor, Julian Beck, Peter Stein and Patrice Chéreau, to mention but a few.
Productions, Italian and European co-productions, residencies, instruction for actors and public alike, research and experimentation with new techniques and styles, but also awareness of generational exchange, backing of Italian and European dramaturgy, re-assessment of classical theatre, the creation of interdisciplinary works, musical theatre and dance: these are but the core of the intense activities which make Fondazione Teatro Due a point of reference in the national and international panorama.