Audience Development Study
In 2013, ETC collaborated with the Institute for Arts and Media Management (IKM) at Free University Berlin and initiated an Audience Development Study in theatres from 17 European countries.
The aim of the conducted research was to establish an integrated framework for providing knowledge about audiences of European theatre. Almost all member theatres of the ETC took part in this study. It focused on discussing new tools and measures for audience development for theatres. Which theatres might be comparable? Which trends and patterns are similar in the different countries?
The study didn't claim to give a complete overview of Europe's theatre landscape. It nevertheless contributed to establish evidence-based audience development in theatres and thus to innovate in creative development in Europe. The outlined information points to trends and tendencies across national boarders and served as a starting point for future work, offer guidance in developing theatre audiences and be used as benchmark.
The report is available for download below: