From 1 to 18 September 2017, the ETC and our Ukrainian partners from CCA DAKH and GOGOLFEST have been happy to welcome five European theatre directors in Kiev to participate in a two-weeks residency programme in the frame of the multidisciplinary festival GOGOLFEST. Together with young Ukrainian actors, the five theatre-makers Peter Cant from the UK, Katharina Schenk and Charlene Markow from Germany, Avtandil Diasamidze and Ana Tsutskiridze from Georgia developed small scale productions to be presented at the second festival weekend on 16 and 17 September 2017 in front of an international audience.
The purpose for them was to enter into a professional dialogue and to connect with international colleagues in order to exchange about the public and sociopolitical role of theatre as well as about current aesthetic developments.
The program was a great opportunity for international artists to broaden their own perspective throughout networking and coworking with the Ukrainian artists and to create a valuable context for further artistic exchange.
8, 9 and 10 September 2017
16 and 17 September 2017
Venue: Oleksandr Dovzhenko National Centre, Vasylkivska str., 1, 03040 Kiev