Meet the participants of the European Theatre Academy 2023 (04 - 08 July).
Raquel André

Artist, Performer, PhD Researcher
Raquel André is an artist, performer, teacher, and researcher. She holds a Master in Collectionism in the Performing Arts at UFRJ-Brazil and is currently a PhD researcher at Theater Studies Center-Lisbon.
Her work tours widely in Europe, North and South America.
The 10-year project, Collection of People is an undeniable mark in her trajectory - vast, multidisciplinary and unrepeatable Collections: lovers, collectors, artists and spectators. From one-to-one encounters, she aims to build an archive of the ephemeral with shows, performances, conferences, books and exhibitions.
Photo. Raquel André
Veronica Arietto

Project Manager, ErosAntEros – POLIS Teatro Festival
Veronica Arietto graduated in Literature Music and Performing Arts and trained in management for the performing arts by attending the Master of Entrepreneurship of the Performing Arts. From 2019 to 2022, she collaborated with Cantieri Meticci, taking care of activity management. She has also collaborated with PandoraLab in drafting applications for tenders. She is currently in charge of the organisational direction of the activities of the company ErosAntEros and of POLIS Teatro Festival, directed by the company.
Photo: Dario Bonazza
Lea Aupperle

Dramaturge, Schauspielhaus Dresden
Lea Aupperle studied theatre and general and comparative literature in Berlin as well as dramaturgy in Leipzig. Among other things, she worked on projects at Maxim Gorki Theater and Deutsches Theater Berlin, as well as at Schauspiel Leipzig, and realised her own independent productions. As part of various projects and workshops, she spent extended periods in France working with other French, Belgian and German cultural professionals. Since 2023 she is assistant dramaturg at Staatsschauspiel Dresden.
Djuna Boguhn

Artistic Management Bureau, Deutsches Theater
Djuna Boguhn has worked at Deutsches Theater Berlin in the Artistic Management Bureau for the last two seasons. From 2018-2021 she studied Business Administration in Berlin and in Bordeaux and completed an internship within her studies as project and communication assistant at the European Theatre Convention. During her Bachelor, she worked at various cultural institutions, such as the Deutsche Orchesterstiftung and the Pierre-Boulez-Saal. This autumn she will start her masters in cultural studies and management:
Photo: Inke Johannsen
Valentina De Simone

Project Manager at PAV for Fabulamundi Playwriting Europe / Freelance Journalist and Theatre Critic
Freelance journalist and theatre critic, since October 2012 Valentina De Simone writes for Repubblica’s blog “Che teatro fa” covering articles and interviews about theatre and performing arts. She has a Master's Degree in Arts, Music and Performing Arts from the University “Roma Tre” and a first-level Master's in Cultural Journalism at the National Academy of Dramatic Art "Silvio D'Amico" in Rome. She has been a dramaturgy consultant for TREND, a festival dedicated to British playwriting in Rome. She joined PAV in 2017 as project manager of the European network Fabulamundi Playwriting Europe.
Photo: Claudia Pajewski
Sarah Doridam

Production and Distribution Officer, Théâtre National de Bretagne
Born in 1988, Sarah Doridam is working in the production department of Théâtre National de Bretagne (TNB) in Rennes. After history and political sciences studies, she decided to focus on cultural projects. In this frame, she followed internships in Manège de Reims, DRAC Champagne-Ardenne and a 10-month internship at the French Institute of Lithuania. Then she started working in the production field: first for the Belgium production office CaravanProduction, then a short mission for Stand Up Tall Company. Back in France, she worked for four years in Manège de Reims before joining TNB in April 2018.
Aisling Gallagher
London/United Kingdom

Theatre Director
Aisling Gallagher (they/them) is a disabled Irish director, artist and creative access practitioner who makes work that disrupts what is considered normal, assumed and appropriate. They are currently part of Into the Wild artist development programme at Chisenhale Studios in London, and will soon be joining Queens Theatre Hornchurch as Creative Director. @twoshadesofhope
Photo: Sean Hardy for Rouleur Magazine
Eider Gil

Production and Programming Department, Teatro Arriaga
Eider Gil completed her university studies in Information Sciences - Specialty in Journalism. She has worked in the Production and Programming Department at the Teatro Arriaga since 2017. Between 2015 - 2016, she was responsible for the catalogue, production and various tasks at the International Documentary and Short Film Festival of Bilbao, ZINEBI. Bilbao. She is also responsible for several cultural-musical events in Amorebieta: Elizetan Cycle and International Street Music Festival Haizetara (management and production tasks of the different events.) She has also been working in the communication department of the Guggenheim Bilbao Museum for four years.
János Antal Horváth

Director, Playwright
Horváth János Antal, born in 1993, is a writer and stage director based in Budapest. He graduated from the University of Theatre and Film Arts in 2018. He worked in various short and feature films, and numerous TV series, wrote several plays that are currently presented on Hungarian stages, directed classic and contemporary plays, both for young and adult audiences. In 2022, he founded Loupe Theatre Co. to create socially and politically aware theatre pieces that contribute to shaping a more tolerant, broad-minded and democratic Hungary.
Photo: László Gábor Belicza
Kateryna Hradnova-Savytska
Film and Theatre producer, Project manager, Left Bank Theater and Small State Theater of Vilnius
Film and theatre producer, culture manager. Currently engaged with the Left Bank Theater (Kyiv, Ukraine) and the Small State Theater of Vilnius (Lithuania). Responsible for project development, fundraising and international cooperation.
Photo: Kateryna Kozynska
Marwa Manai

Stage Director and Playwright, Dramaturgy trainer and course designer at the Tunisian National Theatre Acting School
Marwa Manai is a Tunisian theatre-maker and associate professor of English. After graduating from the Tunisian National Theatre Acting School, she collaborated in world-touring productions such 'Violences' by Fadhel Jaibi as actress and co-writer and multiple productions including 'The Name of the Father' as playwright and stage director. She was awarded the Chevening scholarship in 2021 and obtained an MA in Theatre-Making at the University of York. Having worked internationally in various capacities, she is the general coordinator of the Journées Théâtrales de Carthage festival market.
Photo: Youssef Sanhaji
Keshia Palm

Dramaturge, Director, Performer, & Artistic Producer - Paprika Theatre Festival
Keshia Palm (she/they) is a Canadian storyteller of Filipinx-German descent seeking to spark connection and conversation through live, shared experiences in thoughtful and inclusive art/spaces — as Actor, Director, Dramaturge, Producer and Playwright, depending on the day! Keshia has developed and performed new works with IBPOC, immigrant, queer, women, non-binary and trans artists from coast to coast, and is particularly in developing new work with highly integrated design through collaborative processes. They are the Artistic Producer of Paprika Theatre Festival in Toronto, Canada.
Photo: Pascal Lamothe-Kipnes
Argyris Pandazaras

Actor, Director
Argyris Pandazaras graduated from the National Theatre Drama School in 2010. He is an actor and director. He was awarded with “Dimitris Horn” Best Young Actor Award and nominated in Greek Hellenic Academy for the film “Digger”. He is known for the Fool in King Lear, Mephistopheles in Faust, & Winston Smith in George Orwell’s 1984. He is a founder and artistic director of the production theatre company "Μomentum". He has worked with the Greek National Theatre, Picolo Theatro di Milano, the Onassis Cultural Center and has performed in seven plays at the Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus.
Photo: Michael Goumas
Ștefana Pop-Curșeu
Artistic Director, Teatrul Național "Lucian Blaga"
Ştefana Pop-Curșeu, Ph.D at the University of Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle, in Theatre and Performing Arts, is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Theatre and Television, UBB Cluj-Napoca, where she teaches antique and medieval theatre history and modern theory of theatre. She published many articles in the domain of Theatre, in France and Romania. She translated a dozen of books from French to Romanian,(by Samuel Beckett, Pascal Vrebos, Gilles Deleuze a.o.), and is author of the books: Pour une théâtralité picturale. Bruegel et Ghelderode en jeux de miroirs, Cluj, 2012, and, in collaboration with Ioan Pop-Curseu, Witchcraft in Romania, Palgrave Macmillan, 2022. She wrote two theatre scripts and directed two performances based on these scripts (Killed by Friendly Fire, 2014 and Every Tzara has his Dada 2016). She is also, since 2011, the Artistic Director of The National Theatre in Cluj-Napoca, with a special interest in cultural management and international cooperation.
Ricardo Simões
Viana do Castelo/Portugal

Artistic Director, Teatro do Noroeste - Centro Dramatico de Viana
Ricardo holds a degree in Artistic and Cultural Management. He attended a PhD in Cultural Studies. From 1997 to 1999 and from 2006 to date, he has been an actor, director and playwright. He is the artistic director of Teatro Noroeste - Centro Dramático de Viana, an independent theatre company resident at Viana’s municipal theatre, since 2015 and directs the local theatre festival since 2017. He fosters and strives for collaborations with artists from Portugal, Spain and other European countries as well as from South America and Africa.
Photo: João Grisantes
Natasza Sołtanowicz

Theatre Director, [in between] association
Polish director, composer and, cultural animator. Graduate of the National Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow. She creates shows in repertory theatres, alternative collective [in between] and runs educational/social projects. Natasza creates musical, visual and physical theatre. She is also interested in opera. Her creation 'Weirdos' was presented at many festivals and won awards including the Main Prize at the Theater Networking Talents Festival in Romania. She received the Minister of Culture Award twice for her artistic achievements.
Photo: Edgar de Poray
Anna Wawrzyniak

Assistant in the Artistic Administration Department, Staatstheater Braunschweig
Anna Wawrzyniak graduated with a double Master’s degree in Artistic Administration and Vocal Performance and rounded off her education with post-Master studies in Translation at several European higher education institutions. She is immersed in the artistic administration system of public sector theatres, experienced in the planning of artistical seasons in multi-department venues, and interested in cultural exchange.