In the season 2024/2025, ETC will support up to two new European contemporary drama texts and their international trajectory by circulating them within its membership and financially participating in their translation into English, thus expanding its pool of interesting contemporary texts from all over Europe.

Interested ETC Member Theatres are asked to apply with one text of a contemporary author they work with and see as relevant for international audiences. 

The ETC theatres whose plays will be selected will receive a grant (up to €1,500) for translation into English. They will be in charge of organising the translation into English. 

Application guidelines 

Applications are now closed. Results will be announced in the second half of March 2025.

The play must have already been completed but not yet translated into further languages.  
You will be asked to:  

  • send a plot summary (one page, including a presentation of the main characters) in English  
  • send a biography of the author (including a list of already published plays)  
  • explain the relevance of the play for European audiences (one page, including the main topics of the play)  
  • include a translation into English of an extract of the play (two pages max.)  
  • submit a video by the playwright (up to 5-10 minutes long) recorded with a phone or a similar device. Professional quality is not required—an informal recording works perfectly. In the video, please answer all or some of the following questions: 
    • Introduce Yourself: 
      • Who are you, and what is your background as a playwright? 
      • What inspires your writing, and what themes do you often explore?
    • About the Play:
      • What is the title of your play, and what is it about in a nutshell? 
      • What inspired you to write this play? Are there specific personal, cultural, or historical influences? 
    • Themes and Messages:
      • What are the central themes or messages in your play? 
      • How do you hope these resonate with English-speaking audiences? 
    • Characters and Storytelling: 
      • What are the key characters, and what makes them compelling? 
      • Are there unique storytelling techniques or structural elements in your play?
    • Relevance and Impact:
      • Why do you believe this play is relevant in today’s cultural or social landscape? 
      • What impact do you hope the play will have on its audience? 
    • Personal Connection:
      • What does this play mean to you personally? 
      • Why is it important for this work to reach an international audience?
    • Final Appeal:
      • Why do you think this play deserves to be translated and supported by the grant? 

The more attention paid to your application, the better chance the text and its context will have to be understood and seen as relevant by the Committee. Plan enough time for the application. 

We recommend involving the author as much as possible. 

Selection process

The ETC Drama Committee selects up to two plays after receiving the applications. 

The theatres will then receive a grant (up to €1,500) for translation into English. 

Please note the texts should be translated into English by the end of 2025 (selected ETC Theatres are in charge of coordinating the translation). 

Selection criteria

  • Thematic and artistic relevance for European audiences  
  • Need for support for the author’s career internationalisation  
  • Geographical balance  

Application & contact

Applications are now closed. Results will be announced in the second half of March 2025.

For any questions or inquiries, you can contact Laura Gardes, ETC Project & Network Manager:

© Alexandre Fytrakis

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