European Commission Releases First-Ever Study of Theatres Across Europe
‘The Situation of Theatres in the EU Member States’, prepared for the Commission by leading cultural policy centres PPMI and KEA European Affairs, aims to improve the European Commission’s “understanding of the main challenges facing the theatre sector”, with a particular focus on the individual and institutional impact of the pandemic.
It provides findings across three main areas: The consequences of COVID-19 on the theatre sector;
The challenges to become a professional in the theatre industry; The efforts needed to reduce the carbon footprint of theatre activities.
The study is also a core element of the New European Theatre Initiative, an overall policy structure created by the European Commission to more strategically support the European performing arts, and in particular the theatre sector.
Commenting on the study, Heidi Wiley, Executive Director of ETC, said: "This groundbreaking study is the first time we have a Cross-Europe overview of the composition and challenges facing theatres across the continent. The Commission is to be applauded for responding to calls from the sector to provide more data and help connect a sometimes fragmented industry. The results will be invaluable as we design effective responses to help the theatre thrive and reengage with audiences.
"The announcement of a new European Theatre Initiative and a 2nd European Theatre Forum will also help enormously in this regard and allow us finally shine a light on the exact issues facing creatives in Europe as we continue our recovery from the pandemic."
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